TC-200 + (CG-200) Graphic Card
Compatibility List
-ATI Radeon HD-5450M [Desktop] OK
-ATI Radeon HD-5470M [Notebook] OK
-ATI Radeon HD-5570 [Desktop] B/W output, cropped
Customer reported using Beta Crimson Edition 16.2.1 resolved issue
-ATI Radeon HD-6570M [Notebook] OK
-ATI Radeon HD-7450M [Notebook] OK
-ATI Radeon R4 [Notebook] Not powerful enough
-Intel Graphics 300 [Notebook] OK
-Intel Graphics 5500 (HP 15-ac158dx Core i5 5200U Win 10 Home) [Notebook] 50 Hz only detected
-Intel Q45/Q43 Express [Desktop] OK (Driver 10/4/12)
-Nvidia Geforce GT-210M [Notebook] R&B color hue is wrong, pure color screen showing strip
-Nvidia Geforce GT-335M [Notebook] Can not detect TC-200 in all mode except 1080i 59/60Hz
-Nvidia Geforce GT-610M [Notebook] Can not detect TC-200
-Nvidia Geforce GT-630 [Notebook] Causing PC with blue screen, re-booting
-Nvidia Geforce GT-640 [Desktop] R&B color hue is wrong, pure color screen showing strip
-Nvidia Geforce GT-730M [Notebook] OK
-Nvidia Geforce GT-750M [Notebook] R&B color hue is wrong, pure color screen showing strip
-Nvidia Geforce GT-960M [Notebook] OK
-Nvidia Geforce GTX-1060 [Notebook] Fail, switches to generic adapter
From the .com Site:
Please note that we do not advise to use Nvidia cards when using the TC-200 (either standalone or built-in SE/HS-2200) in combination with laptops and (add-on) Nvidia video cards.
These cards perform some kind of filtering of the signal passed via HDMI output. This filtering can generate distorted colors or vertical bars. Whilst this filtering is hardly visible on a regular TV/monitor screen, it severely affects the TC-200, which needs a pixel perfect input.
The YUV 4:2:2 encoding in the TC-200, is making the effect even more pronounced, which results in the distortion of red/ blue and/or cyan color area’s. For this reason, we suggest to use either Intel HD integrated video cards or ATI.
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